Awaited Android App Development Trends


The pace of android application development is moving briskly with ever innovating and evolving technology. At the beginning of every year, mobile application development companies wait for the latest trends that will define the android application development market in the coming year.
Every mobile android application development company wishes to create an android app that makes life easy for their customers and improves the user experience. Here are a few latest android app development trends that will define the year for app development companies and android users all over the world.

The application of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence has already made our lives much easier. From smart speakers that follow our commands to home assistants, AI has become an integral part of our daily lives. The success of AI has been immense through the years and it’s predicted that by 2024, AI industry will be able to achieve a record-breaking no. of $191 Billion.

Already AI has been successfully implemented in manufacturing and medical sectors which drastically increased the efficiency levels in both the sectors because of its capacity of learning from real-time events.

AI and machine learning will play a crucial role in mobile app development. Be it iOS app development or Android app development, AI will be able to learn from the previous data of app building process and troubleshoot the problems in real-time. Not only that, it will be able to learn from the user activities and behavior patterns to take necessary actions without the need of guidelines.

As IoT is getting combined with AI, our daily lives will get much more comfortable. Not only that, real time language translations will improve the multilingual communication among users. Battery life will come with adaptations and will last longer.

Future trends of AI and machine learning:
• Predicting user behaviors
• Integration of AI with IoT
• AI-enabled face unlock
• AIOps for automating IT functions
• Smart camera with subject identification
• Adaptive battery for more battery lifespan
• High app reliability for cyber security
• Language and voice translations

Blockchain Technology will enter App development process

Blockchain technology isn’t limited to cryptocurrencies. It is a revolutionary technology which can provide numerous benefits when combined with app development process.

Blockchain technology basically creates a decentralized database through chain of blocks present on more than 1 PC simultaneously. These blocks keep building when new data is recorded and the old blocks get saved while everyone receives a copy of the whole database.

Using blockchain technology helps preventing data breaching or creation of fake documents. Even if an error occurs, you can easily trace it with blockchain technology.

Nowadays, online wallets and smart ledgers have started using blockchain technology to provide more secure cross-border transaction services to their users.

Future trends of blockchain:
• Blockchain as a service (BaaS)
• Trading on cryptocurrency exchange
• Asset Tokenization
• Blockchain in anti-piracy

Internet of Things

Internet isn’t limited to smartphones and computers now. It has entered in our homes in a way that we’ll become completely dependent on the internet in coming years. While companies are opting for IoT, internet will be able to control every little device that we use in coming years.

Just to give you an example, if you’re home is equipped with IoT powered devices and your smartphone has IoT app, you’ll be able remotely handle all the tasks like locking your home, switching on your AC, television, washing machine etc.

Already companies like Phillips and August are offering IoT powered devices to the customers which is getting popular day by day.

Nowadays, many companies are transitioning to IoT app development for a futureproof business development. It’s also predicted that the no. of IoT devices will be almost equal to the no. of smartphones in 2023.

Integration of Chatbots

Chatbots offer more flexibility and efficiency when it comes to customer service. In mobile app world, chatbots plays a crucial part as it eliminates the need of having human to human interaction.
Nowadays, companies are offering 24*7 services which often becomes a headache in the future due to human limitations. Chatbots can effectively and seamlessly handle all the queries 24*7 because of which, industry experts are predicting that nearly 85% of peoples’ interactions with businesses will happen through chatbots by 2023.

With implementation of advanced technologies like AI and machine learning, chatbots will get smarter and will become ready to match human behavior. According to Global Market Insights, the market size for chatbots will cross $1.34 Billion by 2024.

Integration of Mobile Wallets

There has been major development in online payment facilities since the evolution of online commerce. Now, with integration of blockchain and more feasible payment options provided by tech giants like Apple and Google, people are slowly transitioning to mCommerce.

If we look back in the history, plastic money replaced the need of cash and now mobile wallets are evolving so rapidly that it may replace the need of plastic money.

Nowadays it has become extremely important to integrate a payment gateway in the app itself because big smartphone companies have started developing user friendly payment options like scan and pay. Apple is already offering Apple Pay to promote peer to peer money transfer.

Future trends in mobile wallet app development:
• Contactless payment
• Safer and more secure mobile wallets

5G will be finally here

With the incoming of 5G network, we will be experiencing internet at the speed of light. This will not only enhance the working of application but will also be a huge turning point for android software development companies as they will have to develop apps in consideration with the networking speed. The gaming experience will come with 3D and AR.

Wearable devices

Along with the launch of smart wearable devices such as watches, tracking devices and fitness belts, the use of mobile phones for basic and simple tasks has got replaced. This year the concept of wearable devices is going to get even wider. Customer’s increasing interest towards the wearable devices is going to be a challenge for android software development and android app development companies as they will have to constantly create new android applications that can be integrated with such devices.

Instant apps

Downloading large size unwanted applications in your mobile is 2019. The year 2020 will introduce the concept of Instant Apps to the human kind. Instant apps are just the demo version of the real application. Installing Instant Apps in your mobile phone will give you an idea of the main application and you can decide if you really want the final or the main version of the specific application or not. You will be able to decide the worth of that application and how much is it actually useful or relatable to you or your work. Android application development companies will be looking forward to developing Instant Apps this year.

Beacon technology

Probably everyone in the technology field knows how a beacon works. It is one of the smartest marketing strategies that has high investment returns. In 20232 a lot of travel companies will be using beacon for pop ups that will be redirecting them to their page. It’s going to be a very interesting year for android app development and android software development companies.

To conclude

The year 2023 is going to be revolutionary for technology geeks.
Communication Crafts is one such company that walks along with the latest technology trends and believes in providing ultimate android app development solutions. You can also find us on Best App Development Companies Of 2023 by DesignRush.

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